01 November 2013 in A Golpe de Efecto, Madrid
01 November 2013 in A Golpe de Efecto, Madrid
Video, performance, music, computers, lights, shadows, drawings, characters, silhouettes, etc.. all this serves for creating a virtual world that reminds in such a surprising way of the human.
Emotions transmitted by lights and shadows, a cold universe that leaves little space for the individual escape and proposes a pessimistic world of desperate souls that, one day might dream of a better world.
A performance that constantly uses all sorts of elements: computers, synthesisers, lights, etc… and at the same time cutout and hand-painted paper figures, of a slightly childish appearance, that hook you to the real world. The real and the virtual mix up in an universe created by Karla Kracht & Andrés Beladiez.
Some small beings, that live on this planet that is so similar to ours, suffer just as us the globalisation on a universal or better say, virtual level. They are a reflection of how the individual is subjected to and used for the power game. From the individual and collective reaction to the loneliness and lack of individual dreams.
Using live-cinema techniques, this show is surprising, striking, original and at the same time distressing and makes one contemplate. In all aspects a surprise.