A wasp’s nest of desperate souls that claim for a chunk of nothing, brains uninhabited by themselves, lost in the other’s time. Forgotten dreams, desires getting lost in the collective memory.
Hundreds, thousands of sighs per second, hugs, pats, screams, whispers, a barking dog, the ambulance passing by, cars, gasps, a sea of clouds, risk premium, the bloody mortgage, the “but I told you” and you told me, an orchestra of lawless cripples, the cat on the roof, cochabambinian sirens, alarm clocks, screeching, two hundred thousand cups of coffee smashing harmonically on the floor, a nightly scream and the fear of death, of loss, the fear of the future, the fear of the past, my fear, your fear, the fear of living, water dripping in the dessert, fifty three kids singing in Alabama, telephones for the deaf and TVs for the blind, stateless people looking for a shelter, prisons, hospitals and a whispering kiss skimming your intestines.
Life goes by and never stays and you sitting in your fucking sofa staring at the emptiness, waiting for death to arrive.